To be honest, this last month has been a bit of a bummer.
There has been good, but there has also been bad.
I went to see The Ting Tings on concert and they were absolutely brilliant. Small intimate gig 2 days after their single went to number 1 in the charts and they were fantastic. Love their album, really upbeat pop with catchy tunes.
Unfortunately the bad is that I have had another Sciatica attack. Fortunately I could tell the warning signs so was able to get to the doctors and do something about it before I completely seized up. I am very grateful that it is something that I do not suffer with all the time, how people with chronic back pain put up with it every day I really do not know.
At it's worst I was not getting very much relief from the painkillers, very little sleep maybe 1 - 2 hours per night for over a week. That was a killer, I just cannot function very well without at least 6 hours a night as it makes me really cranky (sorry to my darling husband ) The painkillers also made my digestive habits go off kilter and I was having trouble with certain painful side effects. I even blistered the small of my back with a hot water bottle (how dumb was that?)
Mobility was affected and I couldn't get comfortable a lot of the time in whatever position I was in. Constant cramping, numbness & pins and needles in my right leg were an unwelcome companion. I had tickets to see Chubby Brown and I had to send Paul with our friend as there was no way I could have sat still all that time. I was gutted as I'd booked the tickets before Christmas and really wanted to see him.
So anyway, I'm almost back to normal. Have took myself off the painkillers and some days I am in a lot of discomfort, but it is definitely easing up. I can't wait to start going back to the gym :)
The worst of it was when I am not feeling well I just lose my mojo completely. I think it is because I put a little bit of me in everything that I make and I only want to pass on the good things.
So expect lots of updates as I have some nice projects I've made to upload, plus lots to tell you.