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Sunday 10 May 2009

Crafty Session in Warrington

Had a great day in Warrington today with new friends and old. We made loads of cards and chatted for England. In the main photo there is Lisa, Tabitha, Helen, her daughter Hannah, Christine, Elizabeth and moi (please note much smaller stomach than on previous outing, this GI diet is amazing!!)

Got no more crafty meetings booked up at the moment (boo hoo) hopefully that will be remedied soon if Lisa can book one in Gloucestershire and Helen is looking at when we can have the hall in Warrington again. We know we can't have the Welwyn Bowling Club until about October, I mean can you imagine they actually want to use it for themselves, the cheek :)

At least that is one good thing about living in Birmingham, I'm pretty central to most places and can get around better than if I was far south or far north. 

I made 7 cards so need to update my blog. I'll probably be doing that tomorrow now as I am a little tired but have had a brilliant day.


Tab said...

Brilliant day. I'll look forward to the next one travel permitting.
It was great to meet you

Kerrie's Crafting Corner said...

So pleased you had a great day hun, wish I was there!

I know blloming cheek the bowls club wanting to use it in the summer!!!

Hope we can meet up again soon

Bex said...

Looks like you had a fab time!

LISA said...

dont worry mate i am on the case, looks like it will be in the church hall that Chris goes to will put a thread up soon to see about dates
but you could always pop down and visit little old me it you like for the day, only an hour for us both!!!