They are keeping staff on to clear everything down. Some people have been formally told they are redundant today and finished straight away, others are being kept on to cover a specific job. In my case there are parcels in the network that are to be delivered. Business Post have taken all the ones at the hub so far, we have about 10 trailers of freight to be collected from London tomorrow and there are various bits at the depots to be brought in. I think once all the drivers have gone that will probably mean I will be going too.
Paul is very involved in the reporting processes for accounts etc so he thinks he might be working for the next couple of weeks. We have been told we have all been paid up to the end of the month anyway so won't get paid any more unless it is worked beyond the end of the week. Redundancy money will have to be claimed back from the government.
I have got a really good reference from my immediate boss and will be getting another from the Head of Transport.
It has been a really weird atmosphere today so I'll be glad when it's all over. There are a lot of very bitter people at our place and I can't blame them but all the same it's not nice to be around.
I had a phone call from one of the agencies as they had seen my CV on Monster so that's good news. I said I will call them as soon as I know for definite I am released.
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