I've been tagged by my good friend
Jenny and need to provide answers to the following questions:-
What was happening 10 years ago? - I was living with Paul and we were at his Mom's trying to build up some saving to buy our 1st home. I was working at Allied Carpets and was running their most succesful curtain department in the country. At the time I was a Supervisor responsible for 5 staff and loved my job so much, it never felt like work.
Crafty wise I was mad on Cross stitch especially Piglet from Winnie th Pooh and loved going to the shows at the Nec.
5 things to do today - Have just been made redundant on Friday so I am looking for a job in earnest, making a curry for tea, watch tv for a bit with hubby, cuts some bits from old Christmas cards and post a card off for father in Law's birthday
Snacks I like -Trying ever so hard to lose weight so tend not to buy things to snack on. When I do get the munchies I pop some low calorie popcorn in the microwave and I love grapes (really nice when frozen!)
When I am being bad love all the bad things like chocolate, ice cream, nuts, cheese & biscuits
What I would do if I was a millionaire - Look after a certain few people moneywise, Buy a bigger house and have the most well stocked craft room you have everseen!
Places I have lived - Leeds (too many places) Birmingham (quite a few places)
I now have to tag 5 people so I'm going to think about who to pass it on to and will update later.......