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Monday 17 March 2014

GDT at Path of Postivity Thoughtfulness

I am delighted to have been asked to be a Guest DT at the Path of Positivity Challenge. If you have never come across this wonderful and uplifting challenge you are missing out on a real treat. Lisa who runs it is a wonderful lady and gives so much of her time to promote others. I am truly grateful to have such a lovely friend.

The theme for this challenge is ‘Thoughtfulness’

There are lots of lovely prizes for the entrants to win as follows:-

·       Ten digital images from Creative Bug Digitals for the person out of the top seven who receives the most votes during voting week.
·       Three digital images from Ike's World for the post or project that the DT deems most inspiring of the bunch.
·       $7 gift certificate from Pickled Potpourri Designs, our guest sponsors this month, for a person chosen in a random draw based on all eligible entrants.
·       One digital designer paper from Décosse's Dynamite Doodles for one lucky voter who leaves a comment.
·       One digital sentiment for every single person who enters the challenge from Décosse'sDynamite Doodles as well.

This is my post for the halfway point and I was very fortunate to be able to choose an image from Ike’s Art to work with. I have used this fab image ‘Cognitive Thoughts’ which I was drawn to. I love the expression on the face of the character and although I haven’t really delved into the whole world of ‘Steampunk’ I just really liked how part of the head is cut away to see the cogs churning inside our minds.  I knew immediately that I had the perfect paper to go with it. The swirly almost psychedelic nature of the pattern to me was a direct relation to how our thoughts swirl in our mind. Also the black and white colouring of the paper helps to make the subtle colouring of the image spring out more. There was a lot of flesh with this one and it took a lot of shading to get right.

The sentiment is a freebie word art from Random Thoughts At Linda’s Place. I have been a follower of her blog for years and she give so many freebies away, so very generous just  like our own Lisa at DDD J

For this challenge we want to see your projects and blog posts on the theme of Thoughtfulness.

This card is specifically made with a situation in mind that happened to me in the last week and serves as a reminder that the person who we should be most thoughtful towards is ourselves.

We all have inner voices, a good one and a bad one. The bad one is where our negative self image lies, it festers and brings down our confidence. It especially gets stronger when we are ill and tired, it waits for cracks to appear in our armour and insinuates itself into our minds, constantly churning up our thoughts and if not very careful can place such self doubt into us that can take a long time to reverse. If we think bad thoughts about ourselves it can be very damaging.

One person’s thoughtless comment to me on Tuesday caused so much self doubt at a time when I felt ill equipped to be able to brush it off. I became very upset and was reduced to tears at work. It had taken me days of taking stock and thinking about the situation to realise that most of what I felt was due to being ill. I have suffered with colds for 6 weeks since the start of the year and I am so very tired.

The good voice had been drowned out by the bad voice and they were having such a battle inside my head, the pattern in the paper really was how my head was swirling. Having issue with mental health I know how much we have to be kind to ourselves both body and mind. Sometimes when we are busy we forget that and I was guilty of putting other people and situations first and not giving myself chance to re-charge. Lesson learnt!
I’m okay now and have put it all into perspective. However, it was a good reminder of how we all need to be thoughtful towards one another. What to one person may be a flippant and off the cuff remark could be the very thing that shatters someone else. Please be thoughtful towards one another and think about what impact you are having on other people.

Materials Used in this Project are as follows:-
Card size – A5
Digi Image – Cognitive Thoughts from Ike’s Art
Paper – Papermania Licorice Pad
Embellishments – moon and stars trim from local market haberdashery, felt and gem butterflies from Poundland

I would like to enter this card into the following challenges (in Alphabetical Order):-


Pat said...

Fabtastic card Mandy! I like how you expressed the way we can all fall into an abyss of self-doubt when someone makes a comment that is thoughtless. Kudos to you for pulling yourself up by the straps and working through it logically and thoughtfully, and turning a bad experience into a learning one.

Path of Positivity said...

It truly is amazing how one act of thoughtlessness can send us into a tizzy of negativity and self doubt. It is also very easy for us to stay stuck there. For many of us, it is a battle to keep our thoughts positive and it is unfortunate that others don't realize just how much damage their callous thoughts can do. I am so glad that you were able to emerge from it and start listening to your 'good voice' once again.

Your project is a nice reflection of where your thoughts were at this week. I love the swirly paper and of course adore that image from Ike. I too have some 'thoughts' on how I want to use it myself.

Once again, thank you so much for taking the time out of your schedule to be our GDT for this month's challenge. It was wonderful to have you and I hope you will consider joining us again as a GDT in a future challenge!

Big hugs,

Scrapcat 1 said...

This is fabulous Mandy just right for this GDT xx

Jeanette (Forest Ranger) said...

Love the color scheme on this and the great sentiment.

Liz's creative corner said...

Fabulous card, great take on the monochrome challenge, thanks for sharing with us at Bunny Zoe's, hugs Liz xx

ike said...

What a fabulous creation Mandy and that background paper is a fabulous choice.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and that experience. I totally agree that we must always think about what we say. No-one has any idea what is really going on in someone else's head/world and the wrong words at the wrong time could be the tipping point !!!
Smile and wave at a stranger today and you never know - you could save a life !!

IKE xx