My Wonderful Followers - Thankyou :)

Sunday 30 December 2007


OMG, how addictive is that !

Paul joined Facebook a few days ago and was telling me all about it. I've heard of it of course but wasn't bothered about it a I am a very busy bee already but I finally succumbed and joined yesterday and find myself a little addicted.

A load of my ex-work colleagues are on there (most are Techies in IT) and a load of my forum crafty buddies are on there too. After less than 24 hours I have 23 friends and still have loads of people who have not responded.

I am hoping that it is a novelty thing and my fascination with it will wear off otherwise I will have no time for crafting and the whole purpose of my blog will be lost.


Samm said...

Hello Facebook buddy!!! :)


Dawn Wheeler said...

i got the same with bloging when i started ok lol,
love your blog you make gorgeous things ,Dawnxx

Kim Mraz said...

:) I heard that it can be addictive..I have managed to stay far, far away LOL