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Monday 9 February 2009

2S4U - My Eye Candy

Introducing you to my very own Eye Candy, my husband Paul.

Over on 2 Sketches 4 You they are running a little competition where each day they will announce a winner of some Sakura pens. All you have to do is show them your Eye Candy who makes your heart pitter patter and link back to the their blog.

Paul is the love of my life. I was extremely lucky when as a very shy 17 year old I sat next to a complete stranger at a Pet Shop Boys concert on my very 1st visit to the NEC, a huge exhibition centre outside Birmingham, UK

This July marks us being together for 20 years, there are very few 37 year olds who can say that. We have been married for just over 7 years.

I can hand on heart say I love this man with every breath of my body, always have and always will. I often remark that we both have faults as individuals but together we can do anything.

I am tremendously thankful for the day I met Paul and fully believe I am with my partner for life. I just wish that everyone could be as happy as we are.


Unknown said...

Oh Mandy this is the cutest story EVA! He is so sweet - I think you two are amazing together
:) Kazan

Savitri said...

Wow, 20 yrs together. That's just awesome!!!! Cute cute picture of your hubby. He's got such a great smile!

Laura Davis said...

Awww Mandy your hubby is stinking cute, what a handsome couple the two of you make:) I also met my husband at a concert! Lolapalooza!
Thanks for playing!

Sarn said...

Aha . . . a face to the name! Love your love story Mandy x

neverenoughrubberstamps said...

Isn't love just the best!