My Wonderful Followers - Thankyou :)

Thursday 12 March 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award

I have been given a Kreativ Blogger award by the extremely talented Joanna at Handmade by Asia Wu. I hadn't realised it had been given to me until I was going through some old posts on her blog and found this. I realised that I had somehow missed her comment, so many apologies for how late I am picking this award up Joanna.

So there are certain rules attached to this award and they are as follows :-

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Write six random things about yourself.
3. Tag six people at the end of your post and link them.
4. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
5. Let the blogger know when your entry is up.

6 random things about me are :

  1. I was originally born in Leeds but moved to Birmingham when I was 13. Although I've got quite a strong Brummie accent now I immediately get my Yorkshire accent back when I speak to Northern people.
  2. I've got more patterned paper than I'll use in a lifetime of cardmaking so why do I still buy more ?
  3. I haven't bought a card for the last 5 years. I think my hubby would kill me with all the supplies I have if I did !
  4. I use exclamation marks too much !!!! Always have, always will :)
  5. I don't own any Basic Grey or Stampin Up. I want to succumb but I know it waill be expensive so avoid them both !
  6. I can't throw anything away which relates to cardmaking. Once it's in my stash it will stay there even if it hasn't been used. I just can't bring myself to get rid of them.....
The people I would like to nominate for this award are

All of whom are very special people who are tremendously creative and some of the nicest people I have the pleasure to call friends.

So thankyou very much Asia Wu and I shall now pass this award to my friends above.


Jenny S. (UK) said...

Wow! Thank you, I am honoured. How lovely of you to choose me. I will now try and get this sorted for you and rack my brains for 6 random bits of info about me. lol!
Jenny xxxx

Sarn said...

OOH . . . thanks for that Mandy. You're a sweetie.

Clare said...

Aawww thanks hun. Will have to have a little think about this one LOL

See you soon xxx