Paul had a friend round on Friday so I set to and started making up my DVD's. Problem was, I realised that I didn't have enough space for all the pens. I had bought a DVD stand from Tesco's that had space for 20 DVD's but I hadn't realised that the one from IKEA that other peeps have used is bigger and has space for more shelves. OMG, what a numpty. I was a bit gutted and thought I had wasted my money but then got to thinking about changing the way I used it.
So, I calculated I could get 13 pens to a DVD and could have space for 130 pens. I decided that if I put the greys in a box on the top I could get all the other colours on the stand, but would need to re-do the chart as the one I had coloured in wouldn't fit. Grey isn't a very exciting colour so I'm not too unhappy about them not being on display.
I used a computer program called Xara and made a row of boxes for the colour to go in and this fits on the spine, then there is a row of boxes above that has the colour name in it and this is visible when the pen is removed. I think this is a really neat solution a makes the spines look more uniform.
I then used the pens to colour some scrap card and punched a small flower out. This is attached with UHU glue and gives me a great representation of all the colours and looks pretty too.
I am really pleased with how it turned out in the end. It hasn't taken up a lot of space and will make my colours easier to see and more accessable :)
I really really need to sort mine out but with the kids around I have to have them away out of sight in a box, far too tempting for them!
You've done a fab job with that hun! I also have 53 to get excluding the 2 other sets of grey, I have cool grey and that will suffice!
Looking good babe.....i love mine but like you i really need to get those missing coloursxxx
i just wanted to say thankyou this is perfect for what i am looking for :)
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