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Tuesday 12 May 2009

Beautiful Marigolds

An amazing thing has happened today, I've been gardening..... and I enjoyed it !!!

Anyone who knows me well knows I don't DO gardening. I can appreciate a lovely garden but have always said I'm not old enough to make a good garden myself. Some people are just naturally good gardeners, some people have grown up being taught how to garden and become good at it, I am neither. I kill everything I grow, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, but they always die. I don't enjoy gardening but I did today.

What has suddenly changed I hear you ask ? Well, I took Paul's Grandma and Mom to Homebase yesterday because Grandma wanted some Begonias and for the first time EVER I bought a tray of flowers !!!! Paul nearly fainted when he saw them, it is a sight he has never witnessed from me. I got 30 marigolds for £3.99 and they are in assorted colours of yellow and oranges - happy colours :)

We were really very lucky when we moved into our house. the previous owners didn't garden and we found stacks of old terracotta pots at the bottom of the garden. A lot had broken but may were able to be used. Being a crafter and nothing goes to waste I kept them and today had a brilliant time sitting in the sun and potting them up. I even re-potted a plant from the kitchen that had overgrown it's pot. Maybe there is hope for me? I've got a massive garden, the top 2 layers being patio, the bottom needs serious hard work as it all needs to be dug up. I have a dream of having lots of pots of brightly coloured flowers and growing my own vegetables. We did have some success with some beans a couple of years ago, my onions didn't grow very big and the chives didn't seem to grow at all (then we found out the little girl from next door kept coming over and eating them!!)

I enjoyed being out on the garden for a few hours, it was nice to get a bit of sunshine and perhaps this is the start of me being green fingered. Perhaps at the ripe old age of 37 I am old enough to be a gardener...... Watch this space


Anonymous said...

Ha! This made me smile today! I too am NOT a gardener, so if you want a trip up to the Peak District to do mine FEEL FREE!!!! xxxx

Sarn said...

It's an acquired taste Mandy. Once you get a few things to LIVE it encourages you to continue! DH is the gardener in our house, but I'm getting better! I find weeding VERY therapeutic!

Sarn said...

Beautiful picture by the way.

LISA said...

Hello matie :-)))
Lovely looking flowers, i grow all sorts in pots, as we speak i have runner beans coming on in our conservatory lol and i am growing carrots in some pots.Tomatoes and salad stuff go in the long grow bags.
Do not forget to take a pic of the pots to show us!!
Love Lisa (Lily)

Julie said...

Marigolds are a good choice to start you off as they are really easy. I'm sure you'll get into it, only thing is don't forget to water the pots. I have a lovely olive tree/stick in my conservatory. x